Sodexo OSS signs The Romanian Diversity Charter

It is a great pleasure for us, as Sodexo and for me pesonally as well, to sign the Romanian Diversity Charter. Diversity and Inclusion is one of our flagship in Sodexo – Corporate Responsiblity plan, so called Better Tomorrow 2025. Diversity and inclusion are the cornerstone of our culture and a fundamental component of our overall growth strategy.

We create healthy work environments for our employees, so they can bring their whole selves to work regardless of their gender, sexual orientation, disabilities, age, or ethnicity. As we are providing services to our clients on-site, we are keeping this goal always in front of us, even with our providers.

Zoltán Balogh, Country Manager Romania & Hungary, Sodexo OSS

Sodexo, lider mondial in Servicii pentru Calitatea Vietii
Compania Sodexo, al 19-lea angajator mondial, a fost infiintata de catre Pierre Bellon in 1966 in Marsilia, Franta si este astazi lider mondial in Solutii pentru Calitatea Vietii de Zi cu Zi.
Grupul opereaza in 80 de tari cu peste 420.000 de angajati care impartasesc aceeasi pasiune de a oferi servicii.
Sodexo are incredere ca o buna calitate a vietii sporeste satisfactia si motivatia indivizilor, jucand astfel un rol important in performanta organizatiilor care sunt partenerii nostri strategici.